"On 29 September 1964 first appeared a strip of Mafalda.
Its author, Joaquín Salvador Lavado, Quino, no idea then that the thoughts put into the mouth of this character would be translated into 26 languages (from Japanese, Italian and Portuguese to Greek, French and Netherlands), and that his books sold, only in Argentina, 20 million copies. It was 30 years since that initial story Quino 20 years since last drawn. However, it remains as relevant as ever. The ten unique books in the series continue to be reprinted again and again throughout the world.
The first public appearance of Mafalda took place over 35 years ago, on September 29, 1964 in the magazine Primera Plana.
Where appropriate, the midwife did not say male: the flamboyant character who over the years would become a banner of struggle for social equality at a time when women's liberation was still in diapers, "wore their skirts securely.
"Why are women I do not know. At first you do not stop to think about those things?" He says today Joaquín Lavado, Quino, creator of Mafalda.
The artist had not thought about three decades ago, that the ideas of this child as ingenious as irreverent as reflective as rebellious, were to travel the world.
Did not suspect that one day the writer Julio Cortázar would say, "It does not matter what I think of Mafalda. The important thing is what Mafalda thinks of me." Much less that although the USSR is gone, just like the Beatles and the Vietnam War, Mafalda's message would continue the same dose of genius and, above all, today.
Quino never imagined that being tiny and cool, with an intelligence and shrewdness to the arguments immune adults and just surrounded by an appropriate child's world, raise the comic to the category of "moral tales."
With a correct dose of simplicity and depth, Mafalda became a cartoon character more means today to the Argentines.
To Quino-owner of a genuine modesty, it all began by chance and without him propose any greatness: "In reality Mafalda was going to be a cartoon to promote a new line of appliances called Mansfield. Agnes Advertising agency entrusted with the job Miguel Brasco, but as he had other commitments, I passed it to me. This was in 1963. But the campaign never did and I drew the eight strips were stored in a drawer. Until next year Julián Delgado, secretary wording of "Primera Plana", asked me a story. So I rescued those strips and well, there it all began "
This anecdote, which Quino often told, has some little known facts. For example, the name of the employee of the agency that commissioned the strip: the actor Norman Briski. "At that time the name stuck in my mind," recalls today Brasco, "because it was a mix of my surname in the artist Oski. When I called, this match was funny and I went to the agency to see what it was. Wanted a family with father, mother and two children, a typical context for the products appear. What they needed had nothing to do with what I normally do, so I work I derived Quino, who at that time working with me " .
As for the exotic name Mafalda, the name came from the film version of the novel "Giving face" by David Viñas. In a scene from that film you see a baby in a bassinet by that name and adopted the name Quino.